BC Housing & City of Nanaimo MOU

In 2019, the City of Nanaimo and BC Housing signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to build new housing on six sites in the community.

This housing is needed to ensure some of Nanaimo’s most vulnerable people can access a basic and fundamental human right: housing. This partnership between the City and BC Housing is a commitment to act on housing needs in Nanaimo. 

Go to BC Housing’s Let’s Talk site for project updates. 

All sites are shown in the map, and listed in the table below.

Map of Housing Sites

 Property AddressHousing Type(s)
1702 Nicol Street
Samaritan Place
51 supportive housing units, one family unit, and 14 shelter beds
2285 Prideaux Street
51 supportive housing units
3250 Terminal Avenue 
50 supportive housing units (phase one)
37 affordable housing units (phase two)
4355 Nicol Street
36 supportive housing units
51435 Cranberry Avenue
30-42 housing units (approximately)

564 Fifth Street
502 Howard Avenue
505 Howard Avenue


358 housing units (24% non-market and 76% market units), with a mix of commercial, institutional and parks/recreation/culture uses.
 Total608 housing units (approximately)

Information regarding the HEART and HEARTH MOU between the City of Nanaimo and the Ministry of Housing is available here.

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Last updated: February 10, 2025

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