Police & Crime Prevention
Police services for the City of Nanaimo is provided under contract by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
About Nanaimo RCMP
Nanaimo RCMP is the largest detachment on the island, and is led by Superintendent Lisa Fletcher, its Officer-in-Charge.
The main goal of Nanaimo RCMP officers and staff is to increase community safety. This is achieved through a variety of programs and through community partnerships. To learn more about programs, including sections and specialized units, please visit Nanaimo RCMP's website here.
Policing Priorities
The 2022-2023 policing priorities are:
- Crime Reduction and Community Safety
- Inclusion and Reconciliation
- Community Consultation
When should I call the Nanaimo RCMP?
Whenever there is an emergency or there is something “suspicious”, this includes people, and circumstances. It is imperative that you call the RCMP when the event is occurring or as soon as possible thereafter, to ensure the best outcome.
For emergencies call 911 and for non-emergencies call Nanaimo RCMP at 250-754-2345. To contact Victim Services directly, please call (250) 755-3146.
What constitutes an emergency?
An emergency is something that is happening right now, and there is danger to persons or personal property. For example:
- When someone's life is in danger, a life threatening situation where every second counts
- When a crime is in progress (ie: a fight, a theft, a break and enter, a prowler, a dangerous driver on the road putting others at risk, graffiti or other vandalism in progress)
- When there has been a motor vehicle accident, with injuries
These are only some examples of when to call 911. There may be circumstances that differ from the examples given, but remember, if it is happening now and you see it taking place, then call 911.
When can I use the RCMP's online crime reporting tool?
Nanaimo RCMP has officially launched an Online Crime Reporting tool designed to allow citizens to report non-emergency crimes in cases where there is no suspect, witness, or follow up required by a police officer which generates a report and police file number.
You can learn more about how and when to use the RCMP's online crime reporting tool here.
Where is the Nanaimo RCMP Detachment and what is its hours of operation?
The RCMP Nanaimo Detachment is located at:
303 Prideaux St,
Nanaimo B.C. V9R 2N3
Non-emergency telephone: 250-754-2345
Fax: 250-753-0946
Email: Nanaimo_Media@rcmp-grc.gc.caPlease note that an emergency intercom is located outside the Detachment’s main door for after-hours usage.
Hours of Operation:
- General Services and Criminal Records Checks: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Fingerprinting for civil documents: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Closed on Statutory Holidays
Where can I find Nanaimo RCMP related news and information?
As the Nanaimo RCMP is part of Canada's national police force, they have their own website and social media channels where the public can go to for information.
Related Links
RCMP Nanaimo Detachment webpage
Community Safety
The City is committed to working with several partners across all levels of government to join forces in addressing health, housing, and social disorder. Public Safety is important to Council and a significant amount of time, resources and energy are invested into various local programs. Read on to learn about some of the programs and initiatives the City has been working on and what is planned for the future.
Public Safety Contacts - Who to Call
You can visit our Public Safety - Who to Call page to see the list City departments and organizations you can call to submit a report and get information on a number of public safety issues and community outreach. You can also download/Print the Who to Call brochure here.
Last updated: June 20, 2024
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