In this edition of My Nanaimo This Week, waste diversion in Nanaimo ranks above Toronto, Culture & Heritage award recipients are featured and Nanaimo Fire Inspector receives prestigious award. Read on to find out more!COVID-19 Continues in Phase II
State of Emergency Extended to June 23, 2020
Corporate Services
Although our doors remain closed, the City is definitely open for business! Check out our Online Services page to see how we can help you.
Public Works
City staff continue regular garbage, recycling and organics collection. Don't forget about the collection schedule tool, which offers a simple way to help you remember your waste collection day.
Parks, Recreation & Culture
Playgrounds, parks, trails, skateboard parks, Steve Smith Bike Park, pickle ball courts, tennis courts and dog parks are open with a number of guidelines to follow.
Indoor recreation facilities, such as recreation centres, arenas and pools, as well as City-owned cultural venues remain closed pending reopening guidelines being worked on between the Ministry of Health, WorkSafe BC and other professional organizations, including the BC Recreation and Parks Association. Please stay tuned as we follow
the Province's lead and take a step-by-step approach in opening up our facilities!
The Rotary Centennial Garden in Maffeo Sutton Park is beginning to take shape and will be open later this summer. Please be safe, follow signage instructions and steer clear of the active construction area.
Find more information about the City's response on the COVID-19 information page.
Waste Diversion
“Did you know? The City of Nanaimo has some of the highest waste diversion rates in Canada! Your recycling and composting efforts keep 68% of our region's waste out of the landfill, extending it's lifespan another 20 years. Learn more in the latest episode of Good People with Mark Sakamoto. It features those in our community working towards a Zero Waste goal and aired on CBC Gem on June 5. It is available to stream here http://ow.ly/TXwM50A05Sk
In this screenshot from the episode, they are discussing how fresh the air smells, even while standing in the middle of Nanaimo's landfill.
Celebrating Culture & Heritage
Each year, the City of Nanaimo recognizes outstanding contributions made to the culture and vibrancy of our community with the Culture & Heritage Awards. The following individuals were nominated by their peers for the 2020 Culture & Heritage Awards and endorsed by City Council:
- Patrick Aleck, Emerging Cultural Leader
- Devon Joiner, Excellence in Culture
- Gary & Adam Manson, Honour in Heritage
- Trish & Geoff Horrocks, Honour in Culture
Traditionally, recipients are honoured as part of a lively, public celebration at the Port Theatre. This year, because of measures to protect our community from COVID-19, the gathering will not take place as planned.You can view videos featuring all award recipients on the City of Nanaimo YouTube page.
Bowen Road Construction has Begun
The City of Nanaimo is upgrading underground infrastructure and the roadway on Bowen Road between the Old Island Highway (Highway 19A) and Labieux Road. Construction will take place at night from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and is expected to be complete November 2020.
Noteworthy project improvements include watermain replacement, new road surface, center medians, pedestrian safety improvements, raised cycle lanes and right-sized travel lanes. For further information, updates and frequently asked questions, please visit
the project website at www.nanaimo.ca/goto/Bowen.
Fire Educator of the Year
Nanaimo Fire Rescue Inspector, Umesh Lal, has received the 2020 Fire Educator of the Year Award from
the Fire Prevention Officers of British Columbia. Umesh has been integral in assisting and developing numerous fire safety and education programs in the City such as the recent FireSmart weekend completed in Long Lake Heights.
Upcoming Council and Committee Meetings
- June 11 - Design Advisory Panel Meeting, 5 pm
- June 15 - Regular Council Meeting, 4:30 pm
- June 17 - Finance and Audit Committee Meeting
- June 18, Board of Variance Meeting, 5:30 pm
Visit the Meetings, Documents and Videos page on the City website to view upcoming meetings, agendas
and past meeting videos or visit the Council Meeting Summaries page to read a recap of decisions made in previous
Here's a recap of City news: