South Downtown Waterfront - 1 Port Drive
The City of Nanaimo acquired the lands at 1 Port Drive from CP Rail in March 2013. The lands comprise 10.8 ha of land and water (26.7 acres).
The redevelopment of the property is a key priority identified in the City's Strategic Plan under Waterfront Enhancement.
Work is currently underway to prepare the site for redevelopment. This includes environmental studies and demolition of improvements. The City is working with Seaspan and Island Corridor Foundation who have perpetual rights of way on the property.
The City is currently preparing a detailed Master Plan for the property. The process will require extensive public consultation to determine the long-term vision.
- Progress
- Documents
South Downtown Waterfront Initiative
For more information: South Downtown Waterfront
Demolition of Island Pallet Solutions Ltd.
Staff reports and photos providing background on Island Pallet are found below:
Termination of Lease (July 21, 2014)
Demolition Tender Approval (October 6, 2014)
Environmental Condition of Property
Tetra Tech EBA Detailed Site Investigation (November 2015)
Tetra Tech EBA Detailed Risk Assessment (October 2015)
Staff Report - Detailed Site Investigation Results (February 2015)
Detailed Site Investigation - Results Summary (Powerpoint) (February 2015)
Tetra Tech EBA Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation (October 2014)
RFQ for Environmental Services (July 2014)
Island Ferry Services Ltd. (IFSL)
Staff reports providing background on the IFSL are found below:
Update on Island Ferry Services Ltd. Efforts to Establish Foot Passenger Ferry Service (October 21, 2013)
Lease Options (March 10, 2014)
Approval in Principle of Lease and Licences (June 9, 2014)
Notice of Disposition (June 23, 2014)
Approval of Lease and Licences (July 14, 2014)
RDN Transit Exchange
Proposed Memorandum of Understanding with Regional District of Nanaimo for Transportation Exchange at 1 Port Drive (May 13, 2013)
Memorandum of Understanding (May 2, 2013)
- Details
- Background
The City of Nanaimo acquired the lands at 1 Port Drive from CP Rail in March 2013. The lands comprise 10.8 ha of land and water (26.7 acres). The City purchased the property for $3.4 million.
The site is located immediately south of the downtown core of Nanaimo. The parcel is bounded by Front Street and Esplanade Street to the west and the Port Drive trestle to the south. The Nanaimo Harbour is the eastern boundary of the property. The Gabriola Island ferry terminal forms the northern boundary. The site is essentially flat and is a few meters above the elevation of the high tide mark.
The lands were created by the distribution of the coal waste from the Vancouver Coal Mining Company's operations south of the property. The mine ceased operations in 1953 and the lands were sold to CP Rail who developed the property into the Wellcox Yard. The rail yard included a number of rail-related transportation and distribution operations.
The majority of the lands are currently in active industrial use. Seaspan Ferries Corporation occupies 15.5 acres of land and water via a statutory right of way agreement. Island Corridor Foundation and Southern Rail occupy 2.53 acres of land for a rail right of way and an operations building.
A number of land uses have already been proposed for the site, including a passenger ferry terminal for a Nanaimo to Vancouver foot passenger ferry service. The City also has a Memorandum of Understanding to provide up to 3 acres of land to the Regional District of Nanaimo for a transportation hub.
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