The Ministry of Housing has identified the City of Nanaimo as a priority community to participate in the Provincial programs Homeless Encampment Action Response Team (HEART) and Homeless Encampment Action Response Temporary Housing (HEARTH). Four sites have been selected in Nanaimo for the HEARTH units at 250 Terminal Avenue, 1300 Island Highway South, 1030 Old Victoria Road, and 1298 Nelson Street (also known as the Travellers Lodge).
Homeless Encampment Action Response Team (HEART)
The HEART program proposes to coordinate service provider teams to support encampment response. HEART members will collect and share information about local homelessness, address mental health, physical, cultural, and social support needs of people living outdoors and analyze system gaps and challenges with the goal of preventing homelessness and resolving encampments. BC Housing will lead the coordination of the HEART teams. These teams will include municipal staff (e.g. bylaw or engineering), Indigenous service providers, First Nations, healthcare providers, and non-profit organizations. The intention of the program is to support community partners that are already doing significant and valuable outreach work on the ground and bring dedicated support for coordination to help increase impact and address local challenges. The HEART model is based on a successful pilot program that has been operating in the City of Victoria since May 2017. Victoria’s pilot program was instrumental in designing and implementing encampment resolution plans in that community. HEART teams will include new and existing local outreach and service providers. HEART team capacity to deliver services to people experiencing homelessness and in encampments will expand as new employees are hired and partners are integrated.
Homeless Encampment Action Response Temporary Housing (HEARTH)
Along with the coordinated support services provided through HEART teams, HEARTH is a funding program administered by BC Housing for the development and operation of new emergency housing options. Permanent housing options may also fall within the scope of this program, however construction for permanent housing will take longer to complete.
For more information go to:
- Progress
- Documents
Provincial 2024-JUL-16 News Release: More supportive homes coming for people in Nanaimo
Nanaimo News Bulletin 2024-JUL-09 News Release: Nanaimo city council approves lease for navigation centre housing
Provincial 2024-JUN-28 News Release: New centre with enhanced supports coming for people experiencing homelessness in Nanaimo
Let's Talk Housing - 1030 Old Victoria Road
2024-MAR-05 Virtual Dialogue Session for 1300 Island Hwy S, PowerPoint
2024-FEB-27 Community Conversations for Temporary units with supports 250 Terminal, PowerPoint
2024-FEB-12 Nanaimo HEART & HEARTH FAQs
Nanaimo News Now 2024-JAN-29 News Release:
100 new temporary housing beds coming for unhoused people in NanaimoLet's Talk Housing - 250 Terminal
Let's Talk Housing - 1300 Island Hwy S
Provincial 2024-JAN-29 News Release: B.C., Nanaimo collaborate to address homelessness
Signed MOU between the City of Nanaimo and The Ministry of Housing
- Details
- Background
City of Nanaimo has been invited by the Ministry of Housing to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the purpose of receiving funding and support from the newly established Provincial programs Homeless Encampment Action Response Team (HEART), and Homeless Encampment Action Response Temporary Housing (HEARTH).
The HEART program proposes to coordinate service provider teams to support encampment response, and HEARTH is a funding program administered by BC Housing for the development and operation of new emergency housing and shelter options.
BC Housing HEART and HEARTH information: Encampment & Homelessness Response: HEART & HEARTH
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